Finnish for busy people

Kesäloma kellarissa – Finnish Song Lyrics Analyzed

If you like music and translating Finnish song lyrics, then you might like this article. Below, you can find the lyrics of the song Kesäloma kellarissa by Jarkko Martikainen.

[su_box title=”Kesäloma kellarissa” style=”bubbles” box_color=”#a7cb4d”]

  1. Song Lyrics
  2. Glossary
  3. Song Analyzed


1. Song Lyrics – Kesäloma kellarissa

♬ Finnish song lyrics ♬ English translated lyrics
Ei me menty Kreikkaan.
Ei me menty Kreikkaan.
We didn’t go to Greece.
We didn’t go to Greece.
Kai rakkautemme myöskin tämän myrskyn kestää?
Jos paljon kärsii, kai myös unohtaa voi sen?
Vaan köyhän leimaa en voi meistä poiskaan pestä,
kun perheestämme tehtiin viikon ykkösuutinen.
Surely our love will withstand this storm as well?
If one suffers a lot, I guess one can forget it too?
But the label of being poor can’t just be washed away from us,
when our family was made the week’s top story.
Se alkoi siitä, kun koira karkasi auton alle.
Jo pelkät ensihoidot kaikki säästöt vei.
Ei sitten menty lomailemaan maailmalle.
Vaan kehdattiinko myöntää sitä kenellekään? Ei.
It started when the dog escaped and got run over.
The emergency care alone already took all the savings.
So we didn’t go vacationing into the world.
But did we dare to admit it to anyone? No.
Ei me menty Kreikkaan.
Ei, vaikka väitettiin…
Vaikka ovet lukkoon lyötiin
ja laukut pakattiin.
Ei me menty Kreikkaan.
Me mentiin kellariin:
siellä kanssa kalliin koiran
köyhyyttämme niin piiloteltiin.
We didn’t go to Greece.
No, even though we claimed so…
Even though we locked the doors
and packed the bags.
We didn’t go to Greece.
We went to the basement:
there we, with the expensive dog,
hid our poverty.
Ei kai se ollut aivan hullun hommaa? Tuskin.
Yhteisen hyvän vuoksihan lymyttäisiin.
Purkeista saataisiin niin ruuat kuin rusketuskin
ja kuukauden kuluttua taas hymyiltäisiin.
Surely it wasn’t a totally crazy thing? Hardly.
For the sake of the common good we hid.
From jars we would get both food and a tan as well
and after a month we would smile again.
Vaikkei menty Kreikkaan.
Ei, vaikka väitettiin…
vaikka ovet lukkoon lyötiin
ja laukut pakattiin.
Ei me menty Kreikkaan.
Me mentiin kellariin:
siellä kanssa kalliin koiran
köyhyyttämme niin piiloteltiin.
Even though we didn’t go to Greece
No, even though we claimed so…
Even though we locked the doors
and packed the bags.
We didn’t go to Greece.
We went to the basement:
there we, with the expensive dog,
hid our poverty.
Kun neljäs viikko alkoi, usko onneen karttui
vaikka ne tunnit kuin täit tervajoessa ui…
Vaan sitten sairastuit, ja kun se katarri tarttui
niin ambulanssin tilasin ja kaikki paljastui.
When the fourth week started, our belief in luck grew
even though the hours swam like lice in a tar river…
But then you got sick, and when the catarrh was infectious
so I called an ambulance and everything was revealed.
Huokaisit kaupassa: “Onko enää rakkautta?”,
kun näit julmimman otsikon.
Vaan jälkeen sen kellarin olen tässä vieläkin.
Jos se ei ole rakkautta, en tiedä mikä on.
You sighed in the store: “Is there love anymore?”
when you saw the most cruel headline.
But I’m still here after the basement.
If that’s not love, I don’t know what is.
Ei me menty Kreikkaan.
Ei me menty Kreikkaan.
We didn’t go to Greece.
We didn’t go to Greece.

2. Glossary

The following grammar terms have been abbreviated.

[su_list icon=”icon: star” icon_color=”#aadf67″ indent=”1″]

  • sg1: first person singular
  • sg2: second person singular
  • sg3: third person singular


I have marked different elements of the analysis using the following symbols.

[su_list icon=”icon: star” icon_color=”#aadf67″ indent=”1″]

  • in italics: base word
  • (in brackets): translation
  • “in double quotation marks”: intended meaning
  • [square brackets]: saying, idiom, fixed phrase; rection


3. Jarkko MartikainenKesäloma kellarissa Finnish Song Lyrics Analyzed

Ei me menty Kreikkaan
Ei No, didn’t
me we
menty mennä (to go), passive imperfect “we didn’t go”
Kreikkaan Kreikka (Greece), mihin-form “to Greece”
We didn’t go to Greece

In spoken language, it’s very common to replace the first person plural (me menemme) with the passive (me mennään). This is the case for all tenses (e.g. present, imperfect, conditional). In this song, the sentence “me emme menneet” (the negative imperfect) has been replaced with the negative passive imperfectMe ei menty“.

Neutral word order would be “Me ei menty Kreikkaan“. Putting the “ei” in front of the personal pronoun rather than after it stresses the denial.

Kai rakkautemme myöskin tämän myrskyn kestää?
Kai surely, I guess
rakkautemme rakkaus (love) + sg3 possessive suffix -mme “our love”
myöskin myös (also, too) + suffix -kin
tämän tämä (this), genitive case because of myrskyn
myrskyn myrsky (storm), genitive case because object of kestää
kestää kestää (to last, withstand), sg3 present tense “withstands”
Surely our love will withstand this storm as well?

Neutral word order: Kai rakkautemme kestää myöskin tämän myrskyn.

We need the strong stem of the word rakkaus (rakkaute-) when adding a possessive suffix. This is the same stem you use for the mihin-form (rakkauteen) and the essive case (rakkautena).

The verb kestää gets a total object in this song: our love withstands “one, whole storm” completely.

The word myöskin actually contains the same meaning twice: the word myös on its own means “also, too”. The suffix -kin also means “also, too”. Combining the two stresses the meaning even more. You can read more about myöskin in Finnish on this page.

Jos paljon kärsii, kai myös unohtaa voi sen?
Jos if, conjunction
paljon a lot
kärsii kärsiä (to suffer), sg3 present tense “suffers”
kai surely, I guess
myös also, too
unohtaa to forget
voi voida (to be able to), sg3 present tense “can”
sen se (it), genitive case because total object of unohtaa
If one suffers a lot, I guess one can forget it too?

The verbs kärsiä and voida have been conjugated in the third person singular. This is done in order to create a generic sentence. In this sentence, the third person does not refer to hän “he, she” but rather can be translated as “one”: if one suffers a lot, surely one can also forget it. In English, you more commonly use “you” than “one”.

Vaan köyhän leimaa en voi meistä poiskaan pestä
Vaan But
köyhän köyhä (poor), genitive case “of the poor”
leimaa leima (label), partitive case because it’s the object of negative sentence
en voi voida (to be able to), sg1 present tense “I can’t”
meistä me (we), mistä-form “from us”
poiskaan pois (away, gone) + suffix -kaan
pestä to wash, basic form after the verb voida
But the label of being poor can’t just be washed away from us

The word vaan is used in place of mutta in negative sentence. Both mean “but” in English.

The word leima can mean both a stamp or a label. No one wants to be labeled as poor, but (as the song says) it’s not a label that can be easily removed. The verb used in the sentence is pestä “to wash” which fits well with the meaning of “stamp”: some stamps can be washed away. In Finnish, you can both say “köyhän leima” (label of the poor) and “köyhyyden leima” (label of poverty).

The personal pronoun me is inflected in the mistä-form because of the verb pestä: labels are washed off, washed away from a surface.

Adding -kaan to a sentence can have several implications for the meaning of a sentence as a whole. In this case, it’s used to accentuate the fact that washing away a label just isn’t a thing. It stresses the impossibility of such a thing.

Kun perheestämme tehtiin viikon ykkösuutinen
Kun when, conjunction
perheestämme perhe (family), in the mistä-form + possessive suffix -mme “from our family”
tehtiin tehdä (to do, to make), passive imperfect “was made”
viikon viikko (week), genitive case “of the week, the week’s”
ykkösuutinen top story
When our family was made the week’s top story.

The construction tehdä + jostakin + jokin means “to make + from something + something”, ie. “to turn something into something”. Literally translated, the song says “from our family (perheestä) was made the week’s top story”.
This means that the family was turned into the top news story (ykkösuutinen) by the media.

The passive tehtiin is used because we’re not specifying who did it. If we’d include a subject, the sentence would become “Media teki perheestämme viikon ykkösuutisen” (The media made our family the week’s top story). Note how the word ykkösuutisen is inflected in the genitive case in my sentence. In the song’s lyrics we use the basic form ykkösuutinen because the verb is conjugated in the passive: the total object of a passive verb will be written in the basic form rather than the genitive case.

The compound word ykkösuutinen consists of ykkös- (from ykkönen “number one”) and uutinen “news”.

Se alkoi siitä, kun koira karkasi auton alle
Se it, demonstrative pronoun
alkoi alkaa (to begin, to start), sg3 imperfect tense “started”
siitä se (it), in the mistä-form “from it”
kun when, conjunction
koira dog
karkasi karata (to escape), sg3 imperfect tense “escaped”
auton auto (car), genitive case because of alle
alle alla (under), mihin-form, postposition: [genitive + alle]
It started when the dog escaped and got run over

In Finnish, things start from something: “Tulipalo alkoi keittiöstä” ie. “The fire started in the kitchen”, or “Riita alkoi tekstiviestistä” ie. “The argument started with a text message”. In the song, the word siitä (from se) replaces the element that would be added in the mistä-form. We could rephrase the song’s line as “Se alkoi koiran onnettomuudesta” ie. “It started with the dog’s accident”.

The phrase “Koira karkasi auton alle” combines two sentences in one: Koira karkasi (the dog escaped) ja jäi auton alle (and ended up under a car). Both the verbs karata and jäädä require the mihin-form so it’s easy to combine them and leave the second verb out.

The postposition alla can be inflected in three cases: alla (missä, “under”, static location), alta (mistä, “from under”, movement away) and alle (mihin, “to under”, movement towards). In the song, the dog’s experiencing a movement towards the bottom of the car; moving underneath it, so we use alle.

Jo pelkät ensihoidot kaikki säästöt vei
Jo already, conjunction
pelkät pelkkä (mere, sheer), T-plural because adjective of ensihoidot
ensihoidot ensihoito (first aid, emergency care), T-plural
kaikki all
säästöt savings
vei viedä (to take, export), sg3 imperfect tense “took”
The emergency care alone already took all the savings

Ensihoito or esiapu is generally used in its singular form. The song has the plural form ensihoidot because there were several procedures: saving the dog took, for example, multiple operations.

The word säästöt technically does have a singular form: säästö. When referring to one’s savings, this word is a plurale tantum word: it is always used in the plural.

Ei sitten menty lomailemaan maailmalle
Ei no, not
sitten so, thus
menty mennä (to go), TU-participle, rection: [mennä + mihin] “didn’t go”
lomailemaan lomailla (to vacation), third infinitive’s mihin form because of mennä
maailmalle maailma (world), mihin-form because of mennä, allative case, “into the world”
So we didn’t go vacationing into the world.

The verb form “Ei menty” is the negative passive imperfect form of the verb mennä. In spoken language, the first person plural form (e.g. me emme menneet) is often replaced by the passive (me ei menty).

The verb mennä requires both nouns and verbs to be inflected in the mihin-form. In the song, both the noun maailma and the verb lomailla appear in the mihin form. For verbs, this means we use the third infinitive’s –maan form, such as lomailemaan. The word maailma has been inflected into maailmalle rather than maailmaan. This is because the world is a wide place rather than a specific location.

Vaan kehdattiinko myöntää sitä kenellekään? Ei.
Vaan but
kehdattiinko kehdata (to dare), past passive + -ko question suffix “did we dare?”
myöntää to admit, basic form because of kehdata, rection: [myöntää + kenelle]
sitä se (it), partitive case
kenellekään kukaan (nobody, no one), in the -lle form because of myöntää, “to anyone”
Ei no
But did we dare to admit it to anyone? No.

The first person plural kehtasimme has been replaced with the spoken language past passive form kehdattiin. This word has the interrogative suffix -ko/kö which makes the sentence a question: Did we dare?

The verb kehdata always gets followed by the basic form of the next verb (here: kehdata + myöntää). Another example would be “En kehtaa kysyä sitä” (I don’t dare to ask it), with kysyä in the basic form.

In a regular sentence, the verb myöntää would get a total object (e.g. Myönnän sen “I admit it). Total objects are inflected in the genitive case. In the song, we have the partitive case instead because it’s immediately clear that we didn’t admit it. The object of a negative sentence will be inflected in the partitive: sitä rather than sen.

Kenellekään means “to no one, not to anyone”. It’s the -lle form of kukaan “no one”. We use the allative case because you admit something to someone.

Ei me menty Kreikkaan. Ei, vaikka väitettiin…
Ei no, not
me we
menty mennä (to go), passive imperfect “we didn’t go”
Kreikkaan Kreikka (Greece), mihin-form “to Greece”
Ei no, not
vaikka although, even though, conjunction
väitettiin väittää (to claim to), past passive “we claimed”
We didn’t go to Greece. No, even though we claimed so…

Rather than “me väitimme“, the song has the spoken language me-formme väitettiin“.

Vaikka ovet lukkoon lyötiin ja laukut pakattiin
Vaikka although, even though, conjunction
ovet ovi (door), in the T-plural “the doors”
lukkoon lukko (lock), mihin-form because of lyödä
lyötiin lyödä (to hit, smash), past passive “we hit”
ja and, conjunction
laukut laukku (bag), in the T-plural “the bags”
pakattiin pakata (to pack), past passive “we packed”
Even though we locked the doors and packed the bags.

The phrase lyödä ovet lukkoon literally says “to hit the doors into the locks”. However, this is a phrase that means locking the doors. It implies either a force behind the action or a finality to it.

Just like in the rest of the song, the first person plural form has been replaced by the spoken language me-form: “me löimme” has been turned into “me lyötiin” and “me pakkasimme” has been turned into “me pakattiin“.

Ei me menty Kreikkaan, me mentiin kellariin
Ei no, not
me we
menty mennä (to go), passive imperfect “we didn’t go”
Kreikkaan Kreikka (Greece), mihin-form “to Greece”
me we
mentiin mennä (to go), passive imperfect “we went”
kellariin kellari (basement), mihin form “into the basement”
We didn’t go to Greece, we went to the basement

In written Finnish, we would have me menimme rather than the spoken language form me mentiin.

Siellä kanssa kalliin koiran köyhyyttämme niin piiloteltiin.
Siellä there
kanssa with, postposition: [genitive + kanssa]
kalliin kallis (expensive), genitive case because of kanssa
koiran koira (dog), genitive case because of kanssa
köyhyyttämme köyhyys (poverty), partitive case + pl3 possessive suffix “our poverty”
niin so
piiloteltiin piilotella (to hide something), passive imperfect “we hid”
there we, with the expensive dog, hid our poverty.

The word kanssa is technically a postposition, which means it should appear after the word it’s connected to. In the song, the word order is flipped. Neutral word order would have been “kalliin koiran kanssa“. It’s common in songs to get creative with word order.

In written Finnish, we would have me piilottelimme rather than the spoken language form me piiloteltiin. The verb piilotella requires the partitive case. That’s why köyhyys becomes köyhyyttä. You can read more about the inflection of words ending in -UUS here.

Ei kai se ollut aivan hullun hommaa? Tuskin.
Ei No, not
kai surely, maybe
se it
ollut olla (to be), negative imperfect “wasn’t”
aivan totally, entirely
hullun hullu (crazy), genitive case “of a crazy person”
hommaa homma (job, endeavor, thing), partitive case
tuskin hardly, scarcely
Surely it wasn’t a totally crazy thing? Hardly.

If something is hullun homma it’s something only a crazy person would do. The singer expresses that they think it hardly was all that crazy of a plan.

Yhteisen hyvän vuoksihan lymyttäisiin.
Yhteisen yhteinen (common, shared), genitive case because of vuoksi
hyvän hyvä (good), genitive case because of vuoksi
vuoksihan vuoksi (because of) + -han/hän, postposition: [genitive + vuoksi]
lymyttäisiin lymytä (to hide), passive conditional, “we would hide”
After all, for the sake of the common good we hid.

The phrase yhteisen hyvän vuoksi means “for the common good”. In this song, the family has been trying to convince themselves that hiding is the best thing they can do in the current situation, to keep up appearances.

The suffix -han/hän reinforces that meaning: this suffix can be used to express that both the speaker and the listener already know this. This is one of the many meanings of -han/hän. I added “after all” to the translation above to kind of mimic the same meaning.

The verb lymytä means “to hide oneself”. It’s a less common synonym for piileksiä and piileskellä. In written Finnish, we would have me lymyäisimme rather than the spoken language form me lymyttäisiin.

Purkeista saataisiin niin ruuat kuin rusketuskin
Purkeista purkki (jar), plural mistä-form “from jars”
saataisiin saada (to get, receive), passive conditional, “we would get”
niin both
ruuat ruoka (food), T-plural “all of the food”
kuin and
rusketuskin rusketus (a tan) + -kin “also a tan”
From jars we would get both food and a tan as well

The T-plural of the word ruoka can be both ruoat and ruuat. Both are accepted. The T-plural is used here to reflect that every single food they eat in the basement will come out of a jar. The “Greek tan” they’re supposed to be getting also comes from a jar.

The double conjunction [niinkuin …] can be translated to English as [both … and …]. It’s a double conjunction. You can find other double conjunctions in this article. While it’s common to add -kin in this type of phrase, this is not 100% necessary.

In written Finnish, we would have me saisimme rather than the spoken language form me saataisiin.

ja kuukauden kuluttua taas hymyiltäisiin.
Ja and, conjunction
kuukauden kuukausi (month), genitive case because of kuluttua
kuluttua after, past, postposition: [genitive + kuluttua] “after a month”
taas again
hymyiltäisiin hymyillä (to smile), passive conditional “we would smile”
and after a month we would smile again.


Kun neljäs viikko alkoi, usko onneen karttui
Kun when, conjunction
neljäs fourth, ordinal number
viikko week
alkoi alkaa (to begin, start), sg3 past tense “began”
usko belief, faith, rection: [usko + mihin]
onneen onni (luck; happiness), mihin-form
karttui karttua (to grow, accumulate), sg3 past tense “grew”
When the fourth week started, our belief in luck grew

You can find more noun + noun rections here.

Vaikka ne tunnit kuin täit tervajoessa ui…
Vaikka even though, conjunction
ne those, them
tunnit tunti (hour), T-plural “hours”
kuin like, conjunction
täit täi (louse), T-plural “lice”
tervajoessa tervajoki (tar river), missä-form “in a tar river”
ui uida (to swim), sg3 past tense “swam”
Even though the hours swam like lice in a tar river…

This line of the song contains a metaphor: the hours pass as slowly as if they were lice swimming inside a stream full of tar. In English, you’d probably use syrup rather than tar.

The word joki undergoes several changes when you put it in the missä-form. The final -i of joki changes into -e-, and the -k- disappears due to consonant gradation. This word is considered an “old word” in Finnish. You can read more about old and new words ending in -i here.

The verb uida looks the same in the present and past tense. For example, “minä uin” can mean both “I swim” and “I swam”.

Vaan sitten sairastuit, ja kun se katarri tarttui
Vaan but
sitten then, conjunction
sairastuit sairastua (to fall ill), sg2 past tense, “you got sick”
ja and, conjunction
kun when, conjunction
se it, the
katarri catarrh
tarttui tarttua (here: to transmit, infect), sg3 past tense
But then you got sick, and when the catarrh was infectious

The Finnish word katarri and its English translation catarrh were both new to me, but google helpfully informed me that it’s also called limakalvon tulehdus (literally: mucous membrane infection) ie. gastritis. This is a gastrointestinal bacterial infection which can be passed from person to person.

The verb tarttua can mean to grab hold of something, to stick to something or to be infectious.

niin ambulanssin tilasin ja kaikki paljastui.
niin so
ambulanssin ambulanssi (ambulance), genitive case, because total object of tilata
tilasin tilata (to order), sg1 past tense “I ordered”
ja and, conjunction
kaikki everything
paljastui paljastua (to be revealed), sg3 imperfect tense “was revealed”
so I called an ambulance and everything was revealed.

In Finnish, you don’t “call” a cab or an ambulance. Instead, you “order” them. The object of the verb tilata will appear in the genitive case because you order “one, whole ambulance”. You can read more about the object here.

The word kaikki can mean both “everything” and “everyone”. You can tell which one is meant by looking at the verb. If the verb is inflected in the singular form (e.g. kaikki paljastui), it means “everything” (everything was revealed). If the verb is inflected in the plural (e.g. kaikki paljastuivat), it means “everyone” (everyone was revealed).

Huokaisit kaupassa: “Onko enää rakkautta?”,
Huokaisit huokaista (to sigh), sg2 past tense “you sighed”
kaupassa kauppa (store), missä-form “in the store”
Onko olla (to be), sg3 present tense + -ko/kö “is there?”
enää anymore
rakkautta rakkaus (love), partitive case
You sighed in the store: “Is there love anymore?”

The word rakkaus “love” is an abstract noun. You can see this from the English translation: “Is there love anymore” rather than “Is there a/the love anymore”. You can’t use a demonstrative pronoun there. In Finnish, you will use the partitive to express an unspecified amount of an abstract thing.

Rakkaus is a word ending in -Us which gets -ttA in the partitive case. Other such words are kosteus (kosteutta) and mahdollisuus (mahdollisuutta). This is in contrast with other words ending in -Us such as merkitys (merkitystä) and tarjous (tarjousta). As a guideline, words that are based on an adjective (rakas > rakkaus, kostea > kosteus) will belong to the first group, while words based on a verb (merkitä > merkitys, tarjota > tarjous) will belong to the second group.

kun näit julmimman otsikon.
kun when, conjunction
näit nähdä (to see), sg2 past tense “you saw”
julmimman julma (cruel), in the superlative form (julmin) and the genitive case “the most cruel”
otsikon otsikko (headline, title), genitive case because object of nähdä
when you saw the most cruel headline.

The verb nähdä gets a total object when you see “one, whole thing”, such as a headline. In regular sentences, the total object of a sentence is inflected in the genitive case: julman otsikon.

The adjective julma is julmin in the superlative “the most cruel”. The adjective has to be inflected in the same case as the noun: julmin becomes julmimman in the genitive case. You can learn more about the inflection of comparative forms here.

Vaan jälkeen sen kellarin olen tässä vieläkin.
Vaan but
jälkeen after, postposition: [genitive + jälkeen]
sen se (it, that, the), genitive case because of jälkeen
kellarin kellari (basement), genitive case because of jälkeen
olen olla (to be), sg1 present tense “I am”
tässä here
vieläkin vielä (still) + -kin “even now”
But I’m still here after the basement.

The word jälkeen is technically a postposition, which means it should appear after the word it’s connected to. In the song, the word order is flipped. Neutral word order would have been “sen kellarin jälkeen“: after the basement. It’s common in songs to get creative with word order.

The adverb vielä means “still”. Adding -kin to the end stresses how this might be against expectation: even now I’m here, despite the basement. Read more about the many meanings of the suffix -kin here.

Jos se ei ole rakkautta, en tiedä mikä on.
Jos if conjunction
se it, that
ei ole olla (to be), negative present tense “isn’t”
rakkautta rakkaus (love), partitive case
en tiedä tietää (to know), negative present tense “I don’t know”
mikä what
on olla (to be), sg3 present tense “is”
If that’s not love, I don’t know what is.

That’s all for the song Kesäloma kellarissa by Jarkko Martikainen! More lyrics analysis articles will eventually be released!


  • I think it should be The first person plural kehtasimme has been replaced. Also, in the same section you mention that the object of a negative sentence is sitä. However, in the song it is a question, so is it true also for questions? On the other hand, it is rather a rhetorical question and it’s followed by a negative answer so it’s quite clear that its whole meaning is negative. And doesn’t kennellekään on its own translate to to anyone? I think only in combination with ei it becomes to no one.

    It’s great to see a new article with song lyrics analysis! And I’m glad that there will be more!

    • Yes, I think in a positive sentence kenellekään would not work but it can be translated to to anyone in questions such as the one in this song. And with ei it becomes to no one. But how to translate a positive sentence such as You can call anyone? Would it be Voit soittaa kenelle tahansa? And when asking a neutral question, not a rhetorical one, such as Have you told it to anyone? would it be Oletko kertonut sen kenelle tahansa?

      On Duolingo I’ve read some discussions about when to use partitive in questions and the conclusion was that it depends if I already expect some specific answer. If I say Onko sinulla kännykkä?, I expect that someone has a mobile phone but if I say Onko sinulla kännykkää?, I don’t know at all if that person has it or not. So I think something similar is happening here.

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