Finnish Grammar
This page contains all the Finnish grammar subjects that Uusi kielemme currently covers. There are separate sections on verbs, nouns, constructions, phonetics and the grammar of spoken language.
Please note that these Finnish grammar topics are not listed in the order you should study them. While it is generally true that the column on the left contains the most basic subjects, this does not always hold true.
The idea of this page is that it works as a reference material for Finnish grammar: whenever you have questions about a subject, you can look up more information on this page. Within one article, there can be information fit for beginners as well as more complicated information for advanced learners.
[su_box title=”Table of Contents” style=”bubbles” box_color=”#86ad40″]
- Grammar related to verbs
- Grammar related to nouns
- Grammar related to sentence constructions
- Spoken language grammar
- Phonology
- Etymology
[su_spoiler title=”The Conjugation of Verbs” open=”yes” style=”fancy” icon=”caret”]
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- The present tense
- The past tenses
- The future tense
- The passive
[lgc_column grid=”33″ tablet_grid=”100″ mobile_grid=”100″ last=”false”]
- The conditional mood
- The imperative mood
- Consonant gradation
[lgc_column grid=”33″ tablet_grid=”100″ mobile_grid=”100″ last=”true”]
- The infinitives
- The participles
- Making verbs negative
- Compound verbs
- The potential mood
- Verbtype 1
[su_spoiler title=”The Inflection of Nouns” open=”yes” style=”fancy” icon=”caret”]
[lgc_column grid=”33″ tablet_grid=”100″ mobile_grid=”100″ last=”false”]
- The location cases
- Consonant Gradation
- Degrees of comparison
[lgc_column grid=”33″ tablet_grid=”100″ mobile_grid=”100″ last=”false”]
- The plural partitive
- The plural genitive
- The plural location cases
- Rarer cases
[lgc_column grid=”33″ tablet_grid=”100″ mobile_grid=”100″ last=”true”]
- “Here” and “there”
- The inflection of…
- Special inflection cases
- Old cases
[su_spoiler title=”Finnish Sentence Constructions” open=”yes” style=”fancy” icon=”caret”]
SYNTAX: Sentence Constructions
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Finnish Sentence Types
- Overview of sentence types
- Possession (having something)
- Necessity sentences (täytyy)
- On mentävä -sentences
- Existential sentences
- Sentences without a subject
- Generic sentences
- Change and result sentences
- Tuloslause vs. muutoslause
- Subordinate clauses
- Relative pronoun joka
- Syntax of täytyy-sentences
- Conjugation of täytyy-sentences
- [olla + -lla] (olla kahvilla)
- [olla + -ssa] (olla piilossa)
- [olla + -uksissaan]
- [x:llani, x:llaan] (pahoillaan)
- [olla + -ltaan] (ammatiltaan)
- [olla + -ttavissa] (tavattavissa)
Clitics – Liitepartikkelit
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- Verb + noun rections
- Verb + verb rections
- Noun rections
- Adjective rections
- Noun + noun rections
- Noun + verb rections
- Verb rections with että
- Timespans: mistä mihin
- Use of infinitives and participles
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Grammatical Functions
- Object & Complement
- Lauseenvastikkeet
- Colorative verb chains
- Reduplication phrases
- Reduplication words
- Täytyy-sentence types
- Word order in existential sentences
[su_spoiler title=”Other Areas of Finnish” open=”yes” style=”fancy” icon=”caret”]
Other Areas of Finnish
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Spoken language
- Mä mää mie – Pronouns
- Tää toi se – Taivutus
- Ne puhuu puhekieltä
- Menen nukkuun – Third infinitive
- Verbs in spoken language
- Spoken language passive
- Spoken language questions
- Spoken language numbers
- Spoken language pronunciation
- Syntax of spoken Finnish
- Overview
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- Vowel harmony
- Vowel harmony exceptions
- Consonant gradation
- Tilli tili tiili tyyli tuuli
- Banaani vs panaani
- Vanha vs wanha
- Pöydällä vs pöyrällä
- Kolome kylymää kahavia
- Siivota → siipoan?
- Politiikka vs poliitikko
- Menep pois
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