Finnish for busy people

Danger Related Questions – Finnish Conversation Prompts

In this article, you can find a large number of danger related questions. The questions in this article are conversation prompts (keskustelukysymyksiä), meant to spark a discussion. This is one part of a wider series with conversation prompts. The purpose of this series is to help you practice how to reply to questions related to a topic.

I’m providing you with as many danger related questions as I can think of. This means many of the questions listed overlap in meaning and might get similar answers. Not all the questions are meant for the same level: some are definitely more abstract and challenging. I’d say this topic starts to be relevant around level A2.2, but many of the questions are for B- or C-level students.

I have many articles with vocabulary related to dangers, problems and emergencies:

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1. What would you do if…

In this list, you can find a number of danger related questions. If you are a beginner, you can answer to the question in the present tense (e.g. “Minä soitan poliisille”). Intermediate students can use the conditional mood (e.g. “Soittaisin poliisille”). Advances students should try to include as many details as possible, while also explaining why you would take the steps you’re listing.

Finnish English
Mitä tekisit, jos… What would you do if…
… keittiössä syttyisi tulipalo? … a fire started in the kitchen?
… heräisit savun hajuun? … you woke up to the smell of smoke?
… työpaikan palohälytys soisi? … the fire alarm of your workplace would ring?
… lapsesi olisi juonut pesuainetta? … your child would have drunk detergent?
… lapsesi olisi syönyt lääkkeitä? … your child would have eaten medication?
… lapsesi olisi tajuttomana lattialla? … your child would be unconscious on the floor?
… naapurin koira hyökkäisi sinun kimppuun? … the neighbor’s dog attacked you?
… saisit haavan päähäsi? … you got a wound on your head?
… saisit haavan sormeesi? … you got a wound in your finger?
… joku seuraisi sinua kadulla? … someone followed you on the street?
… näkisit auto-onnettomuuden? … you saw a car accident?
… joku yrittäisi murtautua asuntoosi? … someone tried to break into your apartment?
… ystäväsi yrittäisi tehdä itsemurhan? … your friend tried to kill themselves?
… vessasta tulvisi yhä enemmän vettä? … more and more water flooded from the toilet?
… autosi tuulilasi särkyisi? … your car’s windshield broke?
… kaatuisit etkä pystyisi nousemaan? … you fell and were unable to get up?

2. Dangerous objects

In this section, you can find a word list with possible things that could be dangerous. The idea is to discuss what types of dangers the objects could cause, as well as measures you could take to make them less dangerous.

Finnish English
Millaisia vaaroja seuraavat tavarat voivat aiheuttaa? What kind of dangers can the following objects cause?
Miten voisit tavaroista tehdä vähemmän vaarallisia? How could you make the objects less dangerous?
ase weapon
auto car
kiharrin hair curler
liesi, hella, uuni stove, oven
lääkekaappi medicine cabinet
murtovaras burglar
parveke balcony
pistorasia socket, power outlet
portaat staircase
silitysrauta iron
takka fireplace
tietokone computer
tikkaat ladder
unilääke sleeping pill
uima-allas swimming pool
aggressiivinen koira aggressive dog
keikkuva tuoli wobbly chair
liukas katu slippery street
terävä veitsi sharp knife
vihainen karhu angry bear
alkoholi alcohol
telttaretki camping trip
tulva flood
maanjäristys earthquake
metsäpalo forest fire

3. Danger Related Questions

The following table contains questions that could be useful for A2.2-level students, but also for almost fluent learners of Finnish. If you can’t answer all the questions just yet, no worries. Your Finnish will develop over time!

Finnish English
Millaisia vaaroja sinun asunnossasi on? What kind of dangers are there in your apartment?
Millaisia mahdollisia vaaroja sinun kotonasi on? What kind of potential dangers are there in your home?
Mikä voi aiheuttaa vaaroja sinun kotonasi? What can cause dangers in your home?
Millaisia vaaroja ihmisten kodeissa vaanii? What dangers lurk in people’s homes?
Millaisia vaaroja ihmisten kodeissa piilee? What dangers lie in people’s homes?
Onko sinun kotisi turvallinen ympäristö lapsille? Is your home a safe environment for children?
Millaisia vaaroja lapsi voisi kohdata asunnossasi? What kind of dangers a child could face in your home?
Mikä on mielestäsi kodin vaarallisin huone? What do you think is the most dangerous room of a home?
Millaisia vaarallisia asioita keittiössä on? What kinds of dangerous things are there in the kitchen?
Miten voit välttyä onnettomuuksilta keittiössä? How can you avoid accidents in the kitchen?
Millaisia vaaroja kylpyhuoneessa on? What kinds of dangers are there in the bathroom?
Miten voit välttyä onnettomuuksilta kylpyhuoneessa? How can you avoid accidents in the bathroom?
Mitkä kodinkoneet ovat erityisen vaarallisia? What home appliances are especially dangerous?
Miten voisit tehdä asunnostasi turvallisemman? How could you make your apartment safer?
Miten voisit tehdä kodistasi turvallisempi paikka? How could you make your home a safer place?
Miten tekisit kodistasi turvallisempi paikka lapsille? How would you make your home a safer place for children?
Onko sinulla kotona ensiapulaukku? Do you have a first aid kit at home?
Missä säilytät ensiapulaukkusi? Where do you store your first aid kit?
Mihin laittaisit ensiapulaukun sinun kotonasi? Where would you put a first aid kit in your home?
Onko sinulla autossa ensiapulaukku? Do you have a first aid kit in the car?
Mitä esineitä on yleensä ensiapulaukussa? What items are usually in a first aid kit?
Onko sinun asuinalueesi vaarallinen? Is your neighborhood dangerous?
Onko vaarallista lähteä ulos yöllä? Is it dangerous to go out at night?
Kenelle soittaisit, jos olisit vaarassa? Who would you call if you were in danger?
Mitä tekisit, jos joku seuraisi sinua? What would you do if someone were following you?
Mitä tekisit, jos joku uhkaa sinua aseella? What would you do if someone threatened you with a gun?
Mitä tekisit, jos sinua uhattaisiin puukolla? What would you do if you were threatened with a knife?
Millaisissa vaaratilanteissa olet ollut? In what kinds of dangerous situations have you been?
Miten olet selvinnyt vaaratilanteista? How have you dealt with dangerous situations?
Mikä on vaarallisin asia, jonka olet tehnyt? What’s the most dangerous thing that you’ve done?
Miksi jotkut tykkäävät tehdä vaarallisia asioita? Why do some people like to do dangerous things?
Onko sinun kotimaasi vaarallinen paikka? Is your home country a dangerous place?
Onko kotimaasi vaarallisempi kuin Suomi? Is your home country more dangerous than Finland?
Missä maassa on tällä hetkellä vaarallista oleskella? In what country is it dangerous to stay at the moment?
Keksitkö joitakin vaarallisia ammatteja? Can you think of any dangerous professions?
Millaisia vaaroja sinun ammatissa on? What kinds of dangers are there in your profession?
Oletko havainnut vaaroja työpaikallasi? Have you noticed any hazards in your workplace?
Oletko joutunut vaaratilanteisiin työssäsi? Have you been in any accidents at work?
Millaisia vaaroja töissä esiintyy? What kinds of dangers are there at work?
Mikä ammattiryhmä kohtaa eniten vaaroja? Which occupational group faces the most dangers?
Millaisia vaaroja poliisit kohtaavat työpaikallaan? What kinds of dangers do police men face at work?
Millaisia vaaroja rakennusmiehet kohtaavat? What kinds of dangers do construction workers face?
Miten vaaroja voi estää työpaikalla? How can dangers be prevented in the workplace?
Millaisia vaaroja talvi tuo mukanaan? What kind of dangers does winter bring?
Millaisia vaaroja ukonilma voi aiheuttaa? What dangers can thunderstorms cause?
Millaisia vaaroja Internetissä voit kohdata? What kinds of dangers can you face on the Internet?
Millaisia vaaroja kemikaalit voivat aiheuttaa? What kinds of dangers can chemicals cause?
Kumpi on vaarallisempi paikka: metsä vai kaupunki? Which is the more dangerous place: the forest or the city?
Kumpi on vaarallisempi: kesä vai talvi? Which is more dangerous: summer or winter?
Millaisia vaaroja voi kohdata kadulla? What kind of dangers can you face in the street?
Millaisia vaaratilanteita voit kohdata matkustaessasi? What kind of hazards can you face while traveling?
Millaisia vaaroja matkailijat kohtaavat lentokentällä? What kinds of dangers travelers face at the airport?
Millaisia vaaroja matkailija saattaa kohdata hotellissa? What kinds of dangers can a traveler face in a hotel?
Millaisia vaaroja turisti saattaa kohdata rannalla? What kinds of dangers can a tourist face on the beach?
Millaiset vaarat uhkaavat ikäihmisiä? What kinds of dangers threaten the elderly?
Millaisia vaaroja jalankulkija kohtaa liikenteessä? What kinds of dangers does a pedestrian face in traffic?
Milloin liikenteessä on erityisen vaarallista? When is traffic especially dangerous?
Kuka on eniten vaarassa liikenteessä? Who is in the most danger in traffic?
Millaisia vaaroja autonkuljettaja kohtaa? What kinds of dangers does a driver face?
Millaisia vaaroja saatat kohdata metsässä? What kinds of dangers could you face in the forest?
Miten voidaan parantaa päiväkodin turvallisuutta? How can the safety of a kindergarten be improved?
Mitä vaaroja lapset kohtaavat matkalla kouluun? What dangers do children face on the way to school?
Voivatko koulut olla vaarallisia? Can schools be dangerous?
Miten lapsia voidaan suojata vaaroilta? How can children be protected from danger?
Millaiset vaarat on vaikeaa tunnistaa etukäteen? What kinds of dangers are hard to identify in advance?
Onko mahdollista välttyä vaaroilta kokonaan? Is it possible to avoid dangers completely?
Miten pelko suojaa meitä vaaroilta? How does fear protect us from danger?

That’s all the danger related questions I could think of! Hopefully these conversation questions will help you talk and write about dangerous situations!

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