Finnish for busy people

Jooga – Finnish Yoga Vocabulary – Poses and Verbs

This article is all about Finnish yoga vocabulary. You can find the names of the typical yoga poses, verbs that are typically associated with them as well as phrases a Finnish yoga instructor might say.

If you want to hear some of these phrases in an authentic context, you could also check out my article on stretching as part of a yoga routine.

Asennot – Yoga Poses and Positions in Finnish

This section contains both the official names of yoga poses and (at the bottom) more general descriptions of positions. The Finnish translations of these poses aren’t generally written with capitals at the beginning of the words. Many of them also don’t generally contain the word “pose” in Finnish.

Finnish English
asento pose, position
alaspäin katsova koira Downward-Facing Dog
ylöspäin katsova koira Upward-Facing Dog
puolikas istuva selänkierto Sitting Half Spinal Pose
käänteinen lankku Reverse Table Pose
selän suoristus eteentaivutuksessa Standing Half Forward-Bend
lapsen asento Childspose
eteentaivutus istuen Seated Forward Bend
eteentaivutus seisten Standing Forward Bend
kuolleen miehen asento Corpse Pose
sivuojennus suorakulmassa Extended Side Angle Pose
soturi I Warrior Pose I
syväkyykky Garland Pose
hartiaseisonta Shoulder Stand
päälläseisonta Headstand
kobra Cobra Pose
lehmä Cow Pose
kissa Cat Pose
heinäsirkka Locust Pose
vene Boat Pose
aura Plow Pose
lankku Plank Pose
vuoriasento Mountain Pose
tuoliasento Chair Pose
puu Tree Pose
jousi Bow Pose
silta Wheel Pose
istuma-asento sitting position
seisoma-asento standing position
konttausasento standing on all fours
vatsamakuu laying down on belly
selinmakuu laying down on back


Finnish English
joogamatto yoga mat
joogatunti yoga session
aamujooga morning yoga
tasapaino balance
venytys stretching
liike movement
hengitys breathing
keho body
sisäinen rauha inner peace
rentoutuminen relaxation
meditaatio meditation
taipuisuus flexibility

Joogaverbejä – Finnish Yoga Verbs

The following table contains some basic Finnish yoga vocabulary verbs you will find useful during a yoga workout.

Finnish English
seisoa to stand
istua to sit
maata to lay down
aloittaa to begin
hengittää to breathe
syventää hengitys to breathe deeper
rentoutua to relax
rentouttaa to relax something
asettua to position, place oneself
asettaa to position, place something
pysyä to stay, remain
pysyä asennossa to maintain a pose
pitää asento to hold a pose
palata takaisin to return, go back
pidentää to extend, lengthen
venyttää to stretch, elongate
kurottaa to reach for
nostaa ylös to lift up
laskea alas to lower, bring down
vetää sisään to pull in
halata jalkoja to hug legs
painaa to push, press
astua to step
kääntää to turn
koukistaa to bend something
suoristaa to straighten something
leventää to widen
levittää to spread, extend
jakaa paino to distribute the weight
tuntea to feel
löytää find
toistaa to repeat
kuunnella omaa kehoa to listen to your body

Joogafraaseja – Yoga Phrases

This section is perhaps the most useful. It contains typical phrases that could be used during a yoga session. All these phrases have the verb conjugated in the imperative form because they’re instructions. I haven’t put these sentences in an order which makes sense in one yoga routine. They’re just randomly ordered.

Note how the English translation will in some cases include the word “your”, while the Finnish yoga vocabulary doesn’t contain sinä. It’s typical for Finnish yoga descriptions to not specify whose bodyparts are moving.

Finnish English
Hengitä nenän kautta sisään! Breathe in through your nose!
Hengitä nenän kautta ulos! Breathe out through your nose!
Päästä hengitys virtaamaan! Let your breath flow!
Tunne hengitys rintakehässä! Feel your breath in your chest!
Seiso ryhdikkäästi! Stand up straight!
Istu risti-istunnassa! Sit cross-legged!
Asetu selinmakuulle! Lie down on your back!
Makaa selälläsi! Lay on your back!
Aloita vuoriasennossa! Start in the Mountain Pose!
Löydä mukava asento! Find a comfortable position!
Pysy asennossa! Stay in the pose!
Pidä asento muutaman hengityksen ajan. Hold the position for a few breaths.
Nosta lantio ylös! Lift your hips up!
Pidä jalat koukussa! Keep your legs bent!
Jännitä reisiä! Tense your thighs!
Koukista polvia! Bend your knees!
Tuo polvet kohti rintaa! Bring your knees towards your chest!
Muuta jalkojen asentoa! Change the position of your feet!
Jaa paino koko jalkapohjalle! Divide the weight over the entire bottom of your foot!
Aseta vasen käsi lattiaan! Pleace your left hand on the floor!
Paina kämmenet lattiaan! Press your palms on the floor!
Nosta polvet ilmaan! Lift your knees into the air!
Nosta oikea polvi ylös! Raise your right knee!
Halaa oikeaa polvea vasemmalla käsivarrella! Hug your right knee with your left arm!
Käännä oikea polvi sivulle! Turn your right knee to the side!
Suorista vasen jalka! Straighten your left leg!
Nosta kättä pään yli! Raise your arm over your head.
Kurota käsiä kohti kattoa! Reach your arms towards the ceiling!
Laske kädet alas! Lower your arms!
Pyöristä selkää! Round your back!
Pidennä selkää! Stretch your back!
Kohota rintakehää ylös! Raise your chest up!
Vedä leukaa rintaa kohti! Pull your chin towards your chest!
Rentouta niska ja leuka! Relax your neck and chin!
Toista sama vastakkaisella puolella! Repeat the same thing in the other side!

That’s it for this page on Finnish yoga vocabulary. I hope this helps you a little bit when you’re trying to both stay fit and practice your Finnish! Please check out my article on stretching next!


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