The Elative Case (Mistä) – Finnish Grammar
Mistä sinä tulet? Mistä sinä tykkäät? The marker -sta is the elative case. If you’re looking for an overview about missä, mistä and mihin, look here.
[su_box title=”Table of Contents” style=”bubbles” box_color=”#86ad40″]
- The Use of the Elative Case
- When something comes FROM something/somewhere
- When giving your opinion
- Rections with the mistä form
- Verbs + Noun in the –sta form
- Verbs + Verb in the –masta form
- Verbs + Verb in the –misesta form
- Adjectives + Noun in the –sta form
- Sentences expressing a transformation
- Some other uses
- The Formation of the Elative Case
- Words ending in a single vowel
- Words ending in an -e
- Words ending in -i
- New words ending in -i
- Old words ending in -i
- Old words ending in -si
- Words ending in a consonant
- Words ending in -nen
- Words ending in -as
- Words ending in -is
- Words ending in -os/-ös
- Words ending in -us/-ys
- Words ending in -ton
- Words ending in -in
- Words ending in –ut
- Words ending in -tar
- Non-Finnish words ending in a consonant
- Consonant Gradation in the Elative Case
1. Use of the Elative Case (Mistä)
1.1. When something comes FROM something/somewhere
When the missä-form ends in -ssa, then you can be pretty sure the mistä-form will end in -sta. So if you’re IN the library (-ssa), you will come FROM the library (-sta). This is different from e.g. IN the kiosk (-lla) and FROM the kiosk (-lta). Learn more about this relation between the cases in our missä mistä mihin article.
Finnish | English |
Otan leivän kaapista. | I take the bread [from the cupboard]. |
Me tulemme Suomesta. | We come [from Finland]. |
Minä olen kotoisin Argentiinasta. | I originate [from Argentina]. |
1.2. When giving your opinion
This is a special use of the -sta-form: it expresses that something is your personal opinion.
Finnish | English |
Minusta suklaa on liian makeaa. | [In my opinion], chocolate is too sweet. |
Leenasta tämä on kivaa. |
[In Leena’s opinion] this is great. |
[Minun poikaystävästä] minä olen kaunis. | [In my boyfriend’s opinion] I’m beautiful. |
1.3. Rections with the mistä form
In Finnish, certain words will always be accompanied by a specific form of the word connected to it. We call this phenomenon a “rection“. Some word’s rection requires the mistä form of verbs or nouns.
1.3.1. Verbs + Noun in the –sta form
There are several verbs that require the -sta form of a noun. Two important ones are tykätä and pitää, synonyms that both mean “to like“. You can find more examples on my website about verb rections. You can also take a look at verbs that answer to the question kenestä.
Finnish | English |
Minä pidän suklaasta. | I like chocolate. |
Pidätkö minusta? |
Do you like me? |
Me tykkäämme musiikista. | We like music. |
He pitävät hyvästä ruoasta. | They like good food. |
Hän kertoi meille lomasta. | He told us about the vacation. |
1.3.2. Verbs + Verb in the –masta form
Verbs can also be inflected in the mistä-form. This is possible with both the third infinitive (-masta) and the fourth infinitive (-misesta).
The examples below all utilize the –masta form of the verb. Sometimes these examples make sense in English, but there are also plenty of cases where they don’t. I have translated these sentences to match the Finnish construction rather than making the sentences sound natural in English. You can learn more about rections which utilize –maan, –massa and –masta here.
Finnish | English |
Tulen juuri syömästä. | I’m just coming back from eating. |
Hän palasi lomailemasta. | He came back from vacationing. |
Lähden kirjastosta lukemasta. | I leave the library “from reading”. |
Kielsin sinua tulemasta. | I forbade you “from coming”. |
Luovuin yrittämästä. | I gave up “from trying”. |
Varoitin sinua ylittämästä rajaa. |
I warned you “from” not crossing the border. |
1.3.3. Verbs + Verb in the –misesta form
Verbs can also be inflected in the mistä-form by making them into nouns first. For example uiminen “swimming” is a noun derived from the verb uida “to swim”. However, note that in English, both uimasta (section 1.3.2) and uimisesta (this section) will be translated as “swimming”.
As such, translating directly isn’t helpful at all. It’s all tied to which verb you’re using. You need to look at the verb used in the sentence to know which version should be used. For example, the verb lähteä needs the -masta form, but nauttia needs the –misesta form.
Finnish | English |
Pidän uimisesta. | I like swimming. |
Hän nauttii saunomisesta. | He really enjoys taking a sauna. |
Haaveilen auton ostamisesta. | I dream of buying a car. |
1.3.4. Adjectives + Noun in the –sta form
Some adjectives also have mistä rection. Below, you can find a couple of examples, but there are plenty more in the article about adjective rections. Knowing English won’t help you at all in this situation, as you can see from the translations of the examples.
Finnish | English |
Olen ylpeä sinusta! | I’m proud of you! |
Oletko kiinnostut historiasta? | Are you interested in history? |
Olen varma tästä asiasta. | I’m sure about this. |
Hän on riippuvainen tupakasta. | He’s addicted to tobacco. |
1.4. Sentences expressing a transformation
When something changes from one thing to another, we can sometimes use both the mistä form (#1) or the translative case (#2). The mistä form is much less widespread than the translative; it’s limited to only a small number of verbs.
I have a whole separate article about the Minusta tulee opettaja -sentence type!
# | Finnish | English |
1 | Toukasta kehittyi perhonen. | “From” the larva developed a butterfly. |
2 | Toukka kehittyi perhoseksi. | The larva developed into a butterfly. |
1 | Hänestä tuli lääkäri. | “From” him became a doctor. |
2 | Hän tuli lääkäriksi. | He became a doctor. |
1 | Taimesta kasvaa uusi puu. | A new tree grows from the sapling. |
2 | Taimi kasvaa suureksi puuksi. | The sapling grows into a large tree. |
1.5. Some Other Uses
These are some other small functions that the elative case can fulfill:
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- Superlative: kaikista kaunein “the most beautiful of all“
2. The Formation of the Elative Case
The elative is one of the six location cases. Its ending is -sta or -stä, according to the vowel harmony rules. It gets added to the same form as most of the other locations cases (-ssa, -lla, -lta, -lle)
2.1. Words ending in a single vowel (-a/-ä, -u/-y, -o/-ö): add -sta/-stä
This is also true for some words ending in -i and -e, but they generally have a different rule. See below!
Basic | Elative | Basic | Elative |
kala | kalasta | tyyny | tyynystä |
talo | talosta | seinä | seinästä |
työ | työstä | melu | melusta |
hylly | hyllystä | pallo | pallosta |
2.2. Words ending in -e: add an extra -e- before the -sta/-stä
Words ending in -e get a second -e- in any case except the partitive.
Basic | Elative | Basic | Elative |
huone | huoneesta | perhe | perheestä |
kappale | kappaleesta | kirje | kirjeestä |
lentokone | lentokoneesta | taide | taiteesta |
parveke | parvekkeesta | koe | kokeesta |
aste | asteesta | suihke | suihkeesta |
2.3. Words ending in -i
We have a separate article that goes into more detail about new and old words ending in -i. Check that out after you’ve read the basic rules below!
2.3.1. New words ending in -i: add -sta/-stä
New words are often loanwords. Usually they’re recognisable because they resemble words in other languages, like pankki for “bank”, or paperi for “paper”. Loanwords are easier than Finnish words because they don’t undergo as many changes when you add endings.
Basic | Elative | Basic | Elative |
banaani | banaanista | paperi | paperista |
kahvi | kahvista | pankki | pankista |
posti | postista | maali | maalista |
tili | tilistä | adverbi | adverbista |
dollari | dollarista | hotelli | hotellista |
2.3.2. Old words ending in -i: replace -i- with -e- and add -sta/-stä
Old words are very often nature words. After all, nature has been around for so long that Finns have had names for them since the very beginning. Some words’ age can be confusing, for example äiti (mother) is actually a new Finnish word, eventhough mothers have been around since the beginning of time!
Basic | Elative | Basic | Elative |
suomi | suomesta | ovi | ovesta |
järvi | järvestä | kivi | kivestä |
suuri | suuresta | nimi | nimestä |
pieni | pienestä | lehti | lehdestä |
pilvi | pilvestä | joki | joesta |
2.3.3. Old words ending in -si: replace -si with -de- and add -sta/-stä
More old words, but this time with -si at their end. This group has its own additional change, as you can see below.
Basic | Elative | Basic | Elative |
uusi | uudesta | vuosi | vuodesta |
käsi | kädestä | kuukausi | kuukaudesta |
vesi | vedestä | reisi | reidestä |
2.4. Words ending in a consonant
2.4.1. Words ending in -nen: replace the -nen with -se- before the -sta/-stä
This is the same change that -nen words go through when being used in any case except the partitive.
Basic | Elative | Basic | Elative |
nainen | naisesta | hevonen | hevosesta |
suomalainen | suomalaisesta | eteinen | eteisestä |
iloinen | iloisesta | ihminen | ihmisestä |
sininen | sinisestä | toinen | toisesta |
tavallinen | tavallisesta | pikkuinen | pikkuisesta |
2.4.2. Words ending in -as: replace -as with -aa- + -sta
Words ending in -as (or –äs, depending on vowel harmony rules) belong to wordtype B, so they will have the weak grade in their basic form (e.g. rakas, opas) and the strong grade in the elative (e.g. rakkaasta, oppaasta). Read more about words ending in -as here.
Nominative | Elative | Nominative | Elative |
rakas | rakkaasta | rikas | rikkaasta |
taivas | taivaasta | lipas | lippaasta |
opas | oppaasta | itsekäs | itsekkäästä |
2.4.3. Words ending in -is: two groups
For words ending in -is, we have two groups: words like kallis that get -ii- when inflected, and words like roskis that get -ikse- when inflected.
Nominative | Elative | Nominative | Elative |
kallis | kalliista | roskis | roskiksesta |
kaunis | kauniista | kirppis | kirppiksestä |
kauris | kauriista | fiilis | fiiliksestä |
ruis | rukiista | futis | futiksesta |
2.4.4. Words ending in -os/-ös: replace –os with –okse– and add –sta
Words ending in -os and –ös will respectively get -okse- and –ökse– when inflected.
Nominative | Elative | Nominative | Elative |
ostos | ostoksesta | jäljennös | jäljennöksestä |
piirros | piiroksesta | käännös | käännöksestä |
annos | annoksesta | luonnos | luonnoksesta |
2.4.5. Words ending in -us/-ys: two groups
Words ending in –us can belong to two groups: some get -ukse-, others get -ude- before the elative’s -sta. This depends on whether the word is derived from an adjective (e.g. pimeä > pimeys) or not. Words which have been derived from an adjective get –ude-, while other words get –ukse-. You will want to check out this article to get the specifics.
Nominative | Elative | Nominative | Elative |
mahdollisuus | mahdollisuudesta | vastaus | vaustauksesta |
rakkaus | rakkaudesta | kysymys | kysymyksestä |
ystävyys | ystävyydestsä | keskus | keskuksesta |
pimeys | pimeydestä | tarjous | tarjouksesta |
Some general guidelines:
- If the word is based on a verb (such as opettaa > opetus), it will generally get –ukse-.
- If the word is based on an adjective (such as pimeä > pimeys), it will get –ude-.
- If the word is based on a noun (such as ystävä > ystävyys), it will get –ude-.
- If the word ends in –uus/yys (double vowel), you will get –ude-.
2.4.6. Words ending in -ton: replace -ton with -ttoma- + -sta
Read more about words ending in -ton here.
Nominative | Elative | Nominative | Elative |
työtön | työttömästä | koditon | kodittomasta |
rahaton | rahattomasta | rasvaton | rasvattomastsa |
maidoton | maidottomasta | alkoholiton | alkoholittomasta |
2.4.7. Words ending in -in: replace -in with -ime- + -sta
Read more about words ending in -in here.
Nominative | Elative | Nominative | Elative |
puhelin | puhelimesta | keitin | keittimestä |
avain | avaimesta | kiharrin | kihartimesta |
puhallin | puhaltimesta | suoritin | suorittimesta |
2.4.8. Words ending in -ut: two groups
Words that end in -ut/yt can belong to two wordtypes. The smallest group of the two contains words such as olut, kevyt and lyhyt. For these words, you will replace the final -t with an –e- before the elative’s case ending.
The much larger group is made up of NUT-participles such as väsynyt and tottunut. For the words, you will replace the -ut/yt with -ee- before the elative’s case ending.
Nominative | Elative | Nominative | Elative |
kevyt | kevyestä | väsynyt | väsyneestä |
olut | oluesta | ollut | olleesta |
ohut | ohuesta | mennyt | menneestä |
2.4.9. Words ending in -tar
Words endin in -tar are rare, but at least tytär (daughter) is a common word. In the mistä-form, these words get -ttare- in place of the basic form’s -tar.
Nominative | Elative | Nominative | Elative |
tytär | tyttärestä | kuningatar | kuningattaresta |
herttuatar | herttuattaresta | jumalatar | jumalattaresta |
2.4.10. Non-Finnish words ending in a consonant
Loanwords and foreign names (e.g. Jonathan, Facebook) which end in a consonant will have an extra -i- added before the elative’s -sta/stä.
Nominative | Elative | Nominative | Elative |
Jonathan | Jonathanista | Facebookista | |
William | Williamista | Windows | Windowsista |
Marian | Marianista | Steam | Steamistä |
Mohamed | Mohamedista | McDonalds | McDonaldsista |
You might also want to check out these two articles:
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3. Consonant Gradation in the Elative Case
Wordtype A | |||||
Nominative | Elative | Nominative | Elative | ||
tyttö | tytöstä | pankki | pankista | ||
puku | puvusta | pöytä | pöydästä | ||
hattu | hatusta | kauppa | kaupasta | ||
silta | sillasta | kampa | kammasta | ||
hiekka | hiekasta | apu | avusta |
I have a separate article on wordtype A.
Wordtype B | |||||
Nominative | Elative | Nominative | Elative | ||
savuke | savukkeesta | opas | oppaasta | ||
keitin | keittimestä | tavoite | tavoitteesta | ||
rakas | rakkaasta | hammas | hampaasta | ||
soitin | soittimesta | puhallin | puhaltimesta | ||
allas | altaasta | työtön | työttömästä |
I have a separate article on wordtype B.
As I understand, the elative case is also used when describing photographs e.g. a photo of my mother is [kuva äidistä]. Also used when talking about someone or something e.g I am talking about Leena [Minä puhun Leenasta].
So to make sure I’m understanding this correctly: pitää and tykätä must take nouns (even as the 4th infinitive noun form of a verb)?
Taking role transition (acting as / becoming / etc…a teacher) as an example, Korpela makes an interesting point about the lack of symmetry in the locational cases as applied to the elative:
Yes, it’s the sort of pattern that is not easily recognized, but once you’ve seen it, it becomes instantly apparent!
I know I probably exhibit some of the zealotry of the newly converted, but Jukka K. Korpela’s Handbook of Finnish does an amazing job of exploring every aspect of the location cases, as I’ve excerpted in comments with regard to the old locational system (including separative/partitive, lative, …), obsolete forms such as the prolative and sublative, and productive ones such as the translative case and the essive case.
Although seemingly arcane in some respects, I have found that this analytical tool helps me understand the formation of many adverbs, derived terms and idioms.
1.2, makaaa. There are three As in a row. This is incorrect?
I’me with the text of Zen Café´s Ihminen and there´s a use of the elative with adjectives there, which sence I can´t really get:
“Sinä olet syystä ja varmasta”
What is the rule of the essive here, and with adjectives on their own. Is it just a lyric´s tric or is that use something common?
“What is the rule of the essive here, and with adjectives on their own.”
I made a mistake, I meant, with an adjective and a noun divided by “ja” here…
Joten asia on melko vaikeaa 😛
Literally it means something along the lines “you’re [coming] from the reason and from [being] ready“.
Maybe considering when it appears in the lyrics, it could be understood as going/walking back after being ready with your obligations.
But even if so, I don’t have a clue how would that be properly and shortly said. xD
I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.
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