Finnish Question Words – Interrogative Pronouns
Interrogatives are words used to make a question. They’re, simply put, Finnish question words.
For beginning learners of Finnish, they’re important in a way you might not realize right away. These Finnish question words will give you a clue to what kind of answer is expected. Unlike English, where question words only direct you semantically, in Finnish, question words will also give you a morphological clue: what form should the answer be in? If someone asks you “Millä sinä matkustit Espanjaan?“, the question word “millä” will reveal that the answer will also have to have -lla at the end of the word (e.g. Matkustin bussilla/autolla).
Using the clues the Finnish question words give you will help you form answers that appear in the right case. That’s one step closer to fluent Finnish!
[su_box title=”Table of Contents” style=”bubbles” box_color=”#a7cb4d”]
- Kuka? Who?
- Mikä? Mitkä? Mitä? What?
- Missä? Where? In what?
- Mistä? From where? From what?
- Mihin? Minne? To where? To what?
- Millä? By what?
- Miltä? Of what?
- Mille?
- Miksi? Why?
- Millainen? Minkälainen? What kind?
- Minkä? What? Which?
- Milloin? When?
- Mihin aikaan? At what time?
- Kuinka? Miten? How?
1. Kuka? Who?
[lgc_column grid=”50″ tablet_grid=”50″ mobile_grid=”100″ last=”false”]
Singular | |
Finnish | English |
Kuka pelaa? | Who is playing? |
Kuka osaa auttaa meitä? | Who can help us? |
Kuka hän on? | Who is he/she? |
[/lgc_column][lgc_column grid=”50″ tablet_grid=”50″ mobile_grid=”100″ last=”true”]
Plural | |
Finnish | English |
Ketkä soittavat? | Who are playing? |
Ketkä osaavat auttaa meitä? | Who can help us? |
Keitä he ovat? | Who are they? |
As a beginner, that’s all you have to know for now.
[su_spoiler title=”Ignore this if you’re a beginner!” open=”no” style=”fancy” icon=”plus” anchor=”” class=””]
I’m serious. Please ignore this if you’re a beginner. You don’t need this confusion right now.
While the singular “who” is “kuka” in most situations, that’s not always the case. It depends on what function the “who” serves in the sentence.
- As the subject of the sentence, it will almost always be in the “kuka” form.
- As the object in the sentence, the singular “who” can be both “ketä” and “kenet“.
- The plural “ketkä” is used when the “who” is the subject of the sentence
- The plural “keitä” is used when the “who” is the object of the sentence.
- In addition, these words can also be inflected in, for example, the location cases.
- You can also find out more about the “kuka” question word and its inflections.
2. Mikä? What?
Finnish | English |
Mikä puhelin minun kannattaa ostaa? | What phone should I buy? |
Mikä on Suomen suurin uhka? | What’s Finland’s greatest threat? |
Mikä asuntotyyppi sopii sinulle parhaiten? | What type of home fits you best? |
Finnish | English |
Mitkä kuulokkeet minun kannattaa ostaa? | What headphones should I buy? |
Mitkä ovat Suomen suurimpia uhkia? | What are Finland’s greatest threats? |
Mitkä asuntotyypit sopivat sinulle parhaiten? | What types of homes fit you best? |
In addition, it would be good for you to check out the following:
[su_spoiler title=”The Difference Between Mikä and Mitä” open=”no” style=”fancy” icon=”plus” anchor=”” class=””]
The usage of mikä and mitä is unfortunately an issue that pops up right at the beginning of your Finnish studies. You can’t really ignore this, even if it is complicated and will become clearer once you’ve studied more.
Read more about the difference between mikä and mitä!
3. Missä? Where?
The singular and the plural of the missä-question both look the same. The question gets translated as either “where” or “in what”. The missä-question can be answered both with -ssa (kaupassa, hotellissa) and -lla (torilla, bussipysäkillä).
Finnish | English |
Missä sinä asut? | Where do you live? |
Missä maissa olet käynyt? | In what countries have you been? |
Missä juna-asema on? | Where is the train station? |
Missä kaupungissa asut? | In what city do you live? |
Missä kaupungeissa olet asunut? | In what cities have you lived? |
In addition to referring to locations, this case can also have more abstract uses, which are called rections. You can also learn more about some special differences between the -ssa and -lla here.
4. Mistä? From where? From what?
The singular and the plural of the mistä-form both look the same. The question gets translated as either “from where” or “from what”. The mistä-question can be answered both with -sta (kaupasta, hotellista) and -lta (torilta, bussipysäkiltä).
Finnish | English |
Mistä sinä tulet? | Where are you coming from? |
Mistä sinä olet kotoisin? | Where are you from? (country) |
Mistä väristä tykkäät? | What color do you like? |
Mistä väreistä tykkäät? | What colors do you like? |
Mistä hyllystä nämä ovat? | From what shelf are these? |
In addition to referring to locations, this case can also have more abstract uses (e.g. the verb tykätä in the table above), which are called rections.
5. Mihin? Minne? To where? To what?
There are two question words that are synonyms here: mihin and minne. There is no difference in meaning between them. The singular and the plural of the question word mihin both look the same. The question gets translated as either “to where”, “where to” or “to what”. The mihin-question can be answered both with the regular mihin-form (kauppaan, hotelliin) and the allative, -lle (torille, bussipysäkille).
Finnish | English |
Mihin sinä menet? | Where are you going (to)? |
Mihin kauppaan menit? | What store did you go to? |
Mihin jumalaan uskot? | What god do you believe in? |
Mihin jumaliin uskot? | What gods do you believe in? |
In addition to referring to locations, the mihin-question can also have more abstract uses (e.g. the verb uskoa in the table above), which are called rections.
6. Millä? By what?
The question word “millä” is used fairly rarely in Finnish. The most important function it fulfills is to inquire by what or with what someone does something, e.g. by train, by bus, with a spoon, with scissors, with a can opener. The name of this case is the adessive.
Finnish | English |
Millä sinä tulet kouluun? | How do you come to school? (what transportation) |
Millä matkustat Ruotsiin? | With what mode of transportation do you travel to Sweden? |
Millä syöt riisiä? | With what tool do you eat rice? (e.g. chopsticks or a spoon) |
You can read more about means of transportation here.
7. Miltä? Of what? Like what?
Finnish | English |
Miltä täällä haisee? | What does it stink of here? |
Miltä poikaystäväsi näyttää? | What does your boyfriend look like? |
Miltä ideani kuulostaa? | How does my idea sound? |
The question word “miltä” (the ablative case) also has a fairly limited use. It’s mostly used in combination with the perceptional verbs aka verbs that tell something about the senses (e.g. to feel, look, smell).
8. Mille? To what? At what?
Finnish | English |
Mille te nauratte? | What are you laughing at? |
Mille olet allerginen? | What are you allergic to? |
Mille sinä haiset? | What do you smell of? |
The question word “mille” is another one of those with very little use. This case is called the allative. There are some rections that require specifically the -lle form but those are pretty rare (e.g. nauraa, itkeä, hurrata). The most common use is — just like with miltä — with the perceptional verbs.
9. Miksi? Why?
Finnish | English |
Miksi olet taas myöhässä? | Why are you late again? |
Miksi suomen kielessä on niin monta sijamuotoa? | Why are there so many cases in Finnish? |
Miksi kana meni tien toiselle puolelle? | Why did the chicken cross the road? |
10. Millainen? Minkälainen? What kind?
Finnish | English |
[Millainen mies] hän on? | What kind of a man is he? |
[Millaiset kengät] sinulla on? | What kind of shoes do you have? |
[Millaisesta teestä] tykkäät? | What kind of tea do you like? |
[Millaisista naisista] tykkäät? | What kind of women do you like? |
[Millaista työtä] teet? | What kind of work do you do? |
[Millaisia ruokia] teet? | What kinds of foods do you make? |
“Millainen” is a question word that can be inflected in all the cases (e.g. “in what kind of”, “from what kind of”, “as what kind of”). The same is the case for “minkälainen“, which means the exact same as “millainen” and also inflects in the same way.
Case | Singular | Plural | Example |
Nominative | millainen | millaiset | Millainen perhe sinulla on? |
Genitive | millaisen | millaisten | Millaisten ihmisten kanssa viihdyt? |
Partitive | millaista | millaisia | Millaisia jälkiruokia rakastat? |
Inessive (Missä?) | millaisessa | millaisissa | Millaisissa vaatteissa hölkkäät? |
Elative (Mistä?) | millaisesta | millaisista | Millaisista kukista tykkäät? |
Illative (Mihin?) | millaiseen | millaisiin | Millaiseen tyttöön ihastuit? |
Adessive (Millä?) | millaisella | millaisilla | Millaisilla tuloilla pärjäät? |
Ablative (Miltä?) | millaiselta | millaisilta | Millaiselta haluat näyttää? |
Allative (Mille?) | millaiselle | millaisille | Millaiselle kurssille sinulla on tarve? |
Illative (Mihin?) | millaiseen | millaisiin | Millaisiin juhliin menet tänään? |
Translative (-ksi) | millaiseksi | millaisiksi | Millaiseksi haluat lapsesi kasvavan? |
Essive (-na) | millaisena | millaisina | Millaisena ystävänä näet häntä? |
The answer to the question “millainen” or “minkälainen” is usually an adjective, a color or something else that describes a quality of a thing.
11. Minkä? What? Which?
Finnish | English |
[Minkä värinen] autosi on? | [What color] is your car? |
[Minkä ikäinen] lapsesi ovat? | [What age] are your children? |
[Minkä hintainen] tuo takki on? | [What price] is that coat? |
[Minkä kynän] haluat näistä? | [Which pen] of these do you want? |
[Minkä oven] avasit? | [Which door] did you open? |
[Minkä oven] kautta tulit sisään? | Through [which door] did you come inside? |
[Minkä talon] takana hauta on? | Behind [which house] is the grave? |
[Minkä auton] sisällä näit koiran? | Inside [which car] did you see the dog? |
The question word minkä is the genitive of mikä. There are three main uses for this case in questions. The first one you’ll probably learn in your studies is situations where minkä is followed by an adjective ending in -nen. This is the case in the three first examples I’ve provided.
Second, the question word minkä can be accompanied by a noun in the genitive case. In these situations, you can translate minkä as “which”: which pen, which door. The genitive is used here because these are object sentences. The genitive case is used in object sentences to express that you do something to one, whole thing: Haluan tuon kynän. Avasin tämän oven.
Third, postpositions also require the use of the genitive: talon takana, oven kautta, auton sisällä.
12. Milloin? When?
Finnish | English |
Milloin tulet käymään? | When will you visit me? |
Milloin Suomen itsenäisyyspäivä on? | When is Finland’s independence day? |
Milloin talvi alkaa? | When does winter start? |
You can use these expressions of time to answer to the question “milloin“.
13. Mihin aikaan? At what time?
Finnish | English |
Mihin aikaan tulet käymään? | At what time will you visit me? |
Mihin aikaan koulu alkaa? | At what time does school start? |
Mihin aikaan palaat kotiin? | At what time do you get home? |
Another way to ask about that time besides “mihin aikaan” would be “moneltako“. Learn more about asking and telling the time in our article.
14. Kuinka? Miten? How?
Finnish | English |
Miten menee? | How is it going? |
Miten voin auttaa sinua? | How can I help you? |
Kuinka voit sanoa niin? | How can you say that? |
Kuinka monta tuntia tämä kestää? | How many hours does this last? |
Kuinka paljon se pusero maksoi? | How much did that sweater cost? |
Kuinka nopeasti voit päästä tänne? | How quickly can you be here? |
There is no difference in meaning between “kuinka” and “miten“. Some phrases (like “Miten menee?“) are pretty established to use specifically “miten“, but in most cases both are used as equal synonyms.
Can you provide me with more example of genetiivi form of millainen. While studying I came across this sentence ” millaisen lounaan syöt”, I can’t understand why it is in genetiivi form.
Here I am asking you about the Genetiivi. millaisen lounaan syöt.
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